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Common Questions

What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques in addition to an array of hand techniques. “Taekwondo” literally means “foot and hand way”. The name was coined around 1959 by General Choi Hong-Hi with the establishment of the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA). In 1973 the KTA supported the establishment of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF but now known as the WT) to promote Taekwondo specifically as an international sport. Taekwondo has its roots in open-hand (weaponless) martial arts which can be traced back hundreds of years. Most strikes in Taekwondo have the power to break bone, and even defensive blocks have the power of strikes. Students of all ages benefit from studying Taekwondo for its excellent cardiovascular workout, its' self-defense techniques, and its contribution to one's personal improvement. Taekwondo became a demonstration event at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, and became an official medal event at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

Does martial arts training make a child aggressive?
Martial arts instill the opposite in not only children but adults as well. We teach a practical, responsible self-defense program as students progress through committed training - with emphasis on establishing schoolyard responsibility and needing assistance from their teachers. Children learn that martial arts are not about violence but about developing skills they can use safely in tough situations. Any aggression the child brings into the program
usually disappears with continued training and increased self-esteem. Students train and live through the five tenets of Taekwondo - and will be asked to recite these tenets and its' applicability in their life when situations arise - and useful in encouraging positive behaviour or learning from mistakes.

Do I have to bow? Why?
Bowing is a way to show respect.  It is comparable to a Western handshake, not worship. There is no religion in taekwondo. You bow into your dojang on entry, bow to the Korean and Canadian flags, to your instructors, and to other students to show that you respect them. They will also bow to you to show you the same respect.  

How old do you have to be to train in Taekwondo?
We train students as young as 5 years old.  Properly taught and practiced, Tae Kwon Do does not usually create injuries, but it can exacerbate existing conditions.  Please ensure you have proper medical clearance to engage in physical activity before partaking in our classes.

Do I have to buy a uniform?
Not initially. Comfortable active wear is recommended.  Once you've decided if you wish to commit to training, a uniform (called a Dobok) is issued to you.  A dobok has a top, pants, and a white belt with it. 

What are your belts and how do students earn a new belt?
Our belts ranking systems (called Gup) have multiple colours with a black stripe in between each full colour belt; White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red, and then 1st Dan/Poom Black.  All taekwondo students must pass a test to earn a higher rank.  We hold testing every three to four months, but this does not guarantee that you will test during this time period. Parents and friends are invited to come and watch. No classes are held on testing days. After successful testing, the student is awarded a new rank and given a rank certificate in class. 


How long does it take to earn a black belt?

This depends somewhat on your age (young children can take longer), student abilities, and how consistent you are with training, not just within the dojang but outside practicing on your own.  It would take between three to four years to achieve your 1st Dan Black belt.  Younger students earn a Poom or junior black belt, with Dan equivalency once they are older than 15 and achieve their next rank.


When do we learn to spar? / Do I have to spar?
Once you decide to commit to training, we fit you for sparring gear and begin teaching you. To learn how to defend yourself and gain confidence in potential non-consensual encounters, it is important to practice against other students of various ages and sizes, similar to a real confrontation. Students develop enhanced reflexes, quick judgment, timing, and distancing. It is required that students learn how to engage in sparring and is essential in martial arts development, especially if competition is pursued. 


Why do you break wooden boards?  I heard your school breaks cement?

Board breaking (and the most advanced cement breaks) demonstrates correct techniques and application of force. Some board breaking can get pretty complex with powerful strikes. A kick or hand strike that can break a 1-inch thick pine board can break a bone. Students are never to practice these at home. Attempting to break a board with poor technique can result in serious injury.  Only hand picked students as they advance are selected for larger power breaking techniques and may advance onwards to cement breaking as they prepare for black belt examination and further dan rankings.

Do women and girls train in taekwondo?
Some of our best students are female! Because taekwondo emphasizes kicking more so than other martial arts (though we use a lot of hand techniques as well!), it is particularly effective as a practical self-defense program for women and children.  Martial arts training is especially helpful for the empowerment of the self and learning just how strong you really are with your hands and feet!

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